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Phuket Property & Business Sellers

Free or Paid Property & Business Listings

List your property or business with us, standard procedures and free listing with seller commission paid at the sale.


List your property or business with us through the paid listing’s program and NO commission to our Agency when you will sell your property. Your property will be visible in a dedicated area of our website and the client will contact you directly.



Paid listing subscription offers start from 2.499 baht/month for min. 3 months or 1.999 baht month min. 6 months and NO commission when you sell your Property

Unlimited time Free listing and standard procedures & agreement between Seller and Phuket Island Property

How much is the commission?

Properties 5% of final selling price

Land 3% of final selling price

Businesses 1 Month Rent

How do I calculate the final selling price?

The Selling price has to include the commission, we don’t overcharge your price with our commission.

When do I have to pay the commission?

The Agency’s commission has to be paid when the Buyer has paid 10% of the property or business selling price.

If I decide to raise the selling price or change the conditions?

Any change of price or selling conditions must be communicated to us by email, if the seller forget to do  it and our client makes an offer to purchase based the old conditions, the seller agrees to keep valid the previously listed conditions to the client.

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